Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Should you have any questions related to our pet memorial services, billing methods, etc., please contact us for more info.

01. What types of animals do you accept?
We accept all types of pets. Larger breeds such as Alaskan Malamute, Bernese Mountain Dog, German Shepards or horses, pigs, etc are priced individually.
02. Do you need an outer burial container?
Yes, in order to protect the grounds and pet, we required an outer burial container.
03. Is there an annual charge for maintenance?
No. This is a one-time fee that is part of the purchase price.
04. Can I place a homemade headstone/memorial for my pet?
Unfortunately, we cannot allow homemade items because of the durability of the product. We offer a variety of permanent granite memorials to honor your pet.
05. Is this a permanent cemetery?
Pet Haven is an isolated pet cemetery located within a perpetual care cemetery located in Elgin, SC.
06. Can human and pet cremated remains be buried together?
We can place both human and pet cremated remains together whether a ground burial, columbarium, or ossuary.
07. What is an ossuary?
An ossuary is a community, permanent, sealed vault that individually contained cremated remains can be placed in. Each cremated remains is enclosed in a satin or velour urn that has the pet name and dates on it.
08. Can we move our pet at a later date?
Once a pet is buried we do not recommend disinterment of the remains. It can be done, however, there are associated costs for the planning and process.